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miss adams

Hello there miss Adams!! I am so happy you love your new Nylander custom iPad case! Thank you! This was a custom order, so I don't have this one available in the shop yet, but you can order it,  just contact me here and I give you all

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crimson red

Look here I am in action!! Just sent this little beauty off to the east coast Jennifer bought the matching large shopperTote for Christmas, now she's back to get the little one too!! I love all my customers and when they return I  get all giddy! I love the

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sweden with love

Exciting news!! We have teamed up with Ulrica Wihlborg and her new online Magazine, Sweden With Love, for our first ever giveaway!! Follow this link and you too get a chance to win! sweden with love. x/P  

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working away

Hard at work on a Nylander Messenger Bag in a yummy 'dirty' red! Will be available this Saturday Dec 7th at Casmaine 2914 Main Street in Santa Monica. Come and see us you don't want to miss this sale, girls

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