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image image imageimageMorning after chill


The Swedes celebrate the summer solstice, as we call it Midsummer, and it is a B I G deal ,

with a May pole, dance, food, singing and snaps.

First all the girls makes a flower wreath to carry on the head and everybody dresses the Maypole, in flowers and branches.

There is dance around the pole , mostly if you have smaller children , and after that out comes the food

Boiled mini fresh potatoes and pickled herring are the most important staples at the buffet as well as fresh strawberries with whipped cream


At the end of the night, the girls picks seven different flowers, puts them under her pillow to dream about the man she is going to marry

  • Ebru

    July 14, 2015 at 7:37 am Reply

    I remember eirxpeencing this many years ago in Gavle when visiting my friend there…. Midsummer 2001 – 10 years ago! It was just lovely – I hope I can experience it again one of these days!

    • Pernilla

      August 10, 2015 at 8:18 am Reply

      Thank you so much for sharing, yes it is a magical time! I too hope you can visit Sweden again soon!

      – Pernilla

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